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How Greed Destroys America

If the “free-market” theories of Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman were correct, the United States of the last three decades should have experienced a golden age in which the lavish rewards flowing to the titans of industry would have transformed the society...

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Is God The New Black?

A span of three weeks separated their respective Rolling Stone covers--apart from the quality of the writing and the, howyousay, dynamism of each subject, Lady Gaga and Katy Perry's profiles in the formerly legendary mag offered the same startling conclusion--for...

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True Blood Season 4 Premiere Episode

True Blood Season 4 Premiere Episode - She's Not There Life goes on in Bon Temps --- with and without "traveling" --- Sookie in the fourth season for the first time Eric and Bill take different routes to win the public relations of humans and bond with...

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America's iron wall around religion

Sir, Susan Sims' letter about Mitt Romney (June 22) eloquently explains why it is wrong to discriminate against a US presidential candidate who belongs to one particular type of Christianity as opposed to others. As many will remember, John F. Kennedy...

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From the Global Classroom

Religion is an action word. An expression drummed into me at an early age was, ‘You get out of life what you put into it’. That is particularly true of personal beliefs whether one is a follower of Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, etc. including...

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I couldn't count how many times I've heard a sincere Christian say to me, “Chuck, all we have to do is elect more Christians to public office.” I wish it was only that easy! The fact is we have been electing “Christians” to public office for decades....

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Notional Significance: Clearing

The offramp leads me down into what, for want of a better term, I will call the heart of Johnsonville. The local RSA greets me with a Bofors gun and an ad for its eponymous restaurant (“Family Friendly Environment”). Along with the Salvation Army, Super...

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